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Clinics will be scheduled as ….

Clinics will be scheduled as soon as vaccine becomes available.

People with confirmed appointments should bring their completed registration forms (packets were delivered to every door on Jan. 16-17), a GRF ID and an insurance card if available to Clubhouse 6.

Come 10 minutes before the scheduled time.

Parking is extremely limited, so avoid driving if possible ( see transportation options, page 1).

People with medical concerns about taking the vaccine should consult their doctors.

The post-vaccine observation time could be as long as 30 minutes, so plan accordingly.

Follow-up shots, to be administered in three weeks, will be scheduled before residents leave, so make sure to wait until a health provider releases you and gives you an appointment card.

Residents are asked to be patient as OptumCare and other health providers procure vaccine for this community; everyone who wants one will get a vaccine in due time.

In the meanwhile, continue to wear masks, keep a safe distance from non-family members and stay home as much as possible.

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