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ated by one party leadership ….

ated by one party leadership representation in California. Replacing Newsom with a Republican could bring some balance to the state government.

For example, compiling and calculating how much money given to political candidates is spent on their behalf, and by whom, is legally the primary job of the state Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). This commission is non-partisan, but currently all of the members were appointed by Democrats.

Another result of single party control is having to deal with laws like AB5. AB5 requires that most independent contractors be hired as regular employees or laid off. Exemptions can be granted for any industry, business or job type chosen by the legislature. Having more equal political representation on both sides would make sure that the excemptions were granted fairly and equally among the companies that qualify for it.

The editorial board of the Los Angeles Times published an article explaining how the recall should not be considered a coup, but rather part of the democratic process.

The editorial concluded with, “Like it or not, California’s system of direct democracy provides a process for recalling sitting governors and other elected officials, and that is what is underway. That’s no ‘coup,’ but it’s no joke either.”

Those who are interested in reading the article can do so by going to https:// www. latimes. com/opinion/story/2021-01-14/ editorial-recall-is-not-a-coupand- certainly-no-joke.

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