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Learn how to reach a healthier you at Friday’s Zoom meeting

Learn how to reach a healthier you at Friday’s Zoom meeting Learn how to reach a healthier you at Friday’s Zoom meeting


Everyone wants to be healthier, but it’s hard to know where to start. It helps to have a plan of action. Join the Sunshine Club on Friday, Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. as Angeline Renfrow discusses how to set goals to help you to reach a healthier you!

To join the Zoom meeting, go to 19904568?pwd=dkVmOVowRU1 uQXRNb2QveFdFSHp4Zz09. The meeting ID is 821 1990 4568. All shareholders are welcome to join the meeting.

Those who would like to get the Zoom link by email, text your name, Mutual number and email address to (562) 301-5339 by no later than Thursday, Jan. 21, at 5 p.m.

Renfrow is a Health Promotion Representative at Independence at Home. She delivers educational presentations in LA and Orange County to improve health and promote healthy lifestyles.

Renfrow graduated with her Master’s of Science in Gerontology from the University of Southern California. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and one-year-old son.

Feel free to bring any questions that you may have for Renfrow for the questions-and-answers portion of the meeting.

The Sunshine Club often has LW leaders come to meetings to introduce their organizations to the group. It also invites a wide variety of specialists from outside to share their experiences and ideas with club members.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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