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Technology Classes by Miryam

Technology Classes by Miryam Technology Classes by Miryam

Miryam Fernandez’s technology classes are held every other Tuesday at 2 p.m. Topics change each session, all of which are closed captioned. For an invitation, email Fernandez at mzzmimm@gmail. com. If you need help setting up a microphone and/or video or have other connectivity issues, call Bonnie Cooper at (562) 822-6358

before class begins. Registration is required 24 hours prior.

Feb. 2: Beginning iPhone Feb. 16: How to Clean Up Your Gmail Inbox 6 March 2: Beginning Zoom and Closed Captions March 16: Basic Privacy and Security on the Internet On Jan. 13, the Leisure Bicyclists rode to Bolsa Chica Beach, and on the return, they stopped across from the water tower at Surf Cafe on PCH in Huntington Beach to enjoy delicious coffee, quiche and pastries. Members included Carl Kennedy, Susanna and Mike Hung, Anita Miller, Dolores Jaunzemis, Martha Valenzuela, and new member Sara Lloyd. On Jan. 10, some members drove to Manhattan Beach and rode down the bike trail to Hermosa Beach, then enjoyed lunch on the strand. Call Mary Romero at (562) 810-4266 for more information.

1/24/17 11:52 AM

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