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businesses. • ….


• On-Site Sales brought $554,841 in revenues to GRF. Those revenues offset shareholder assessments. Even more spectacular, On-Site Home Sales revenues exceeded the 2020 budget by $58,116.

“On behalf of the GRF Board, we want to thank On-Site Sales for a fantastic year,” said GRF Executive Director Randy Ankeny. “Dawn did a phenomenal job under very unique conditions. I know it has not been easy, but she has exceeded all expectations.”

Today, Dawn knows a lot more about virtual house tours, working remotely, Zoom meetings, acrylic barriers and desktop dividers.

She and her agents continue to offer virtual home tours and Zoom meetings, but safety protocols are in place, so serious buyers can get a first-hand look at available property.

And the outlook is bright, Dawn said. This year had a robust kick-off. On the first business day of 2021, On-Site Sales recorded seven transactions, and a lot more have come in the ensuing weeks.

“You don’t usually see that in January, maybe in August, but not January,” said Dawn. And there’s not a lot of inventory in Leisure World. As of Jan. 8, only 69 units—out of 6,808—were available.

It just goes to show that when the world feels topsy-turvy, people look for that little oasis of safety—and Leisure World meets that need for many.

“Sales spike during unrest because people know it’s safe here,” said Dawn. “We see an influx during those times. People want to live in a place where you know your neighbors, packages are left undisturbed on patios, and Security is always on patrol.

“And I love making that kind of a place possible for people.”

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