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Community Church

By Johan Dodge


If you are reading this on the day of publication, yesterday was the Epiphany, the time in the church calendar when we celebrate the coming of the Wise Men or Magi, who traveled from foreign lands with foreign beliefs (astrology), to seek out the new king of Israel.

In the Nativity display in front of the church, the Magi are shown visiting Mary, Jospeh, and the baby Jesus in the manger scene. Scholars believe that the Magi probably visited Jesus when he was a few years old, based on the order that Herod gives to kill all of the infant boys under 2 years of age.

This Sunday, we will look at both the coming of the Magi to visit the infant Jesus and the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. All of these events center on a new hope, foretold by the prophets of old. Of course, nothing ever quite works out the way we expect it to, and the same is true for the story of Jesus at his birth and his baptism—more on that next week. But for now, as we think about a “New Hope,” we have to let go of the old hope. Our numbers are growing each week, and more people call to join our Zoom worship and fellowship time. If you have been waiting to participate, this is a great time to join us for virtual worship.

To join us Sundays for live worship at 9:50 a.m. Tune into Facebook live @ communitychurchleisureworld.

If you want to join us for virtual fellowship, call the church office or email Those who don’t have a computer or Facebook can call (562) 431-2503 and listen to the weekly message beginning Sunday evening.

Did you watch the Christmas Caroling Challenge on the CW? One of our own church members was one of the competitors.

As always, if you are in need without another way to address it, call the church office to leave a direct message at (562) 431-2503.

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