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GRF Board Executive Session

Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1 p.m.

Virtual meeting in accordance with applicable codes.

NOTE: This meeting is closed to Shareholders/Members per Civil Code §4935.

Executive session meetings are held in the strictest confidence. Every Board member has a fiduciary duty to maintain the confidentiality of all topics deliberated and discussed in executive session. Failure to do so could expose GRF and its Board members to liability. In light of the global pandemic, executive meetings will be held telephonically or through web-based applicationsuntilfurthernotice.Therefore,allBoardmembersshouldensure they participate in a manner that will preserve the privacy and confidentiality of such meetings. Board members should be in a location that is secure with no other persons present or in hearing range of the Board’s discussions.

A. Call to Order

President Susan Hopewell

B. Roll Call C. Legal D. Contracts E. Personnel F. Adjournment Agenda is subject to change.

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