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Assembly of God

By Norma Ballinger

LW contributor

Pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco officially became Assembly of God’s lead pastors on Dec. 14 and are working to become acquainted with members by delivering DVDs of recorded services.

This Sunday, Pastor Chuck’s sermon title is “The Birth of a Savior,” using Luke 2:1-21 for the text. Members and friends will receive a DVD the following day. Read this passage prior to Sunday as well as Luke 1 to remind yourself of the powerful happenings: a virgin conceiving, the words of the angel Gabriel, the prayer of Mary, her visit with Elizabeth and Zacharias, the angels’ visit to the shepherds, and others.

Christmas is the story of true love, about a God who loved us enough to send his son to die for us, knowing the price he was paying. Every Christmas, there are tons of deals with catchphrases like, “Buy One, Get One Free”, but God has given us the best deal: salvation through his son, Jesus Christ. This is a deal that not even the largest franchise can begin to compare with. Recognize and hold close to your heart every promise God has made and share it with others.

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