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How to protect an at-risk community


by Cindy Tostado, LCSW

GRF member resources and assistance liaison

Who is tired of hearing about COVID, wearing a mask, social distance, stay at home, and the best one yet…you can only mingle with those in your family unit?

I am virtually raising my hand here! I love my family, but COME ON—ENOUGH already!

But with the recent surge in the number of COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths, we cannot soften our resolve. We must remain vigilant and be strong.

It seems that the community inside LW has done a great job for themselves and others as they continue down this unfamiliar and painful path. Most, if not all, LWers have taken the necessary steps to do what is right for themselves and the majority of the community to keep all safe and secure.

I empathize with those who are struggling to have a return to normalcy while depending on those in charge to make wise decisions for the benefit of us all.

The GRF Board of Directors is also doing its best to look out for the well-being of an at-risk population, to keep the virus at bay and OUT of LW by making hard decisions that impact residents, their social lives and well-being. These important decisions are not taken lightly while considering all factors and protecting everyone’s best interests.

Let us take time to:

• Practice patience

• Not place pressure on those who are making decisions for the whole

• Take personal responsibility for ourselves and our own actions

• Spread kindness and compassion to one another We hope that our combined actions will not only save lives today and for the future but bring us together for a safer tomorrow.

Be Safe. Be Well. Be Strong!

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