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Stay connected with phone check-ins


The City of Seal Beach is sponsoring SeniorCityzen, a resource to support and check in with older people who are socially isolated as a result of the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.

Seal Beach seniors can connect with city staff (volunteers) by scheduling regular check-ins via telephone to chat and/or to receive referrals to community resources during this difficult time. A few of the staff volunteers speak Vietnamese and Mandarin.

Seniors who are interested in participating may email

or call (562) 431-2527, ext. 1600.

Seniors are asked to leave their names and phone numbers, and staff will return their email/call to set up a chat and/or answer any resource-related questions.

SeniorCityzen is geared toward people 60 and above who are facing social isolation and are looking for someone to talk to, along with getting referrals to other senior-centric organizations.

For more information, contact Assistant City Manager Patrick Gallegos at or (562) 431-2527, ext. 1308.

—from the City of Seal Beach

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