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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The LW Democratic Club’s regular scheduled meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month has been canceled for December because of the holidays. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, Jan. 22, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2 at 1:30 p.m. All LW Democrats and supporters are invited to attend in person or join the meeting by Zoom. Email for login information.

The club meeting will feature a presentation on possible ramifi cations of the incoming administration’s announcement of plans for a mass deportation of migrants living in the U.S. The Feb. 26 meeting will address plans currently being initiated for California to effectively respond to anticipated changes at the federal level. March programing will deal with issues at a more local level. The board welcomes club member suggestions for future programing.

The club’s lunch bunch gathering, normally held on the first Wednesday of the month, has been canceled for January. These informal get-together sessions, designed to welcome new club members, will begin again on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at the Hof’s Hut Restaurant & Bakery at 11:30 a.m. Advanced reservations are not required.

The club’s hospitality and voter information booth, located in the parking lot outside Clubhouse 6, will be open from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month, beginning on Jan. 7. To volunteer at the booth, call 562-340-9816 or email

The club’s monthly Voter Education sessions will resume on Jan. 15 in Clubhouse 3, Room 3, at 1 p.m. Meeting Coordinator Beverley Bender will lead a session on the importance of laughter in these stressful times. The Feb. 19 session will be on how to research on issues or candidates on the internet. Bender would appreciate hearing from potential participants as to other topics they would like to see addressed in the coming year. To make suggestions, call 562-594-9148 or email

For more in-depth political reporting, Democrats and supporters can subscribe to the club’s free e-newsletter by emailing editor Mary Larson at or calling 562-296-8521. Full contact information, including name, mail address, phone number, email address, and party affiliation should be included in the request.

The Leisure World Democratic Club believes that facts and the truth matter. Everything appearing in these weekly articles or the twice-a-month newsletters has been fact-checked to the fullest extent possible.

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