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Redeemer Lutheran & St. Theodore’s

By Lisa Rotchford


St. Paul writes in his first letter to the people in Thessalonica (who lived through their own extended plague in history): “ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

It’s hard to feel like rejoicing when we pick up the paper or turn on the news and are met with alarming pandemic numbers and other scary news stories. Yet we live at a point in history where science is making remarkably quick strides to bring an end to this precarious time. Looking throughout history, plagues and pandemics were not measured in months or even a few years, but often decades! If we truly have a number of scientists working on vaccines and antibodies that can more quickly get this pandemic under control, there is hope. And hope leads to rejoicing.

As people with a relationship with God, praying without ceasing is a given. Our prayers over the last year may have had more asking (and perhaps pleading) compared to some years past, but we are called to pray at all times in our lives. Pray when things are looking good as well as not-so-good. There is a comfort to having a frequent, comfortable prayer relationship with the divine.

As Thanksgiving approaches, we are reminded to give thanks to God in all circumstances. Grateful to have our cupboards, refrigerators and plates stocked every day of the year. This year’s Thanksgiving gathering and feast may look and feel a little different, but the feeling of being grateful can be the same.

Rejoice in your circumstances, pray for your needs and those of your neighbors, and remember to give thanks at all times–especially this year. St. Paul reaches across the centuries and miles and joins us by encouraging our rejoicing, our praying and our Thanksgiving season.

In an abundance of caution, we are closely monitoring the national, state and local guidelines to keep our congregation safe. As we are allowed to remain open, Redeemer Lutheran and St. Theodore’s Episcopal worship services are at 8:45 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. outside, weather permitting, and 10:30 inside the sanctuary. Services must adhere to the CDC guidelines: masks, social distancing and under 40 minutes in length. Organist Sharon Heck plays hymns throughout the worship gathering time. Bread and wine Communion is hygienically sealed and distributed for all to take home and share with prayers. Join us at 135654 Saint Andrews Drive (across from the administration building parking lot), and call the church at (562) 598-8697 for updated information.

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