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Letters to Editor


On Nov. 8 at 4 p.m., we found dog waste 3 feet from our front patio. Based on the size, it appears to be from a large dog. To the owner of this dog, please know that our GRF rules say, “While traversing the common area of the GRF Trust property, the pet owner must have in evidence and in plain view, at all times, a plastic bag and/or a poop scoop device for the purpose of immediately removing any material that may be purged from the animal while walking.” Failure to follow this rule, and “the owner will be asked to remove the pet from Trust property immediately.”

Here are a few more reasons why you must pick up after your pet:

• Dog feces can take up to a year to break down. Anyone, including the mail carrier, gardener or maintenance crew, could step on it and spread the contamination around. The bacteria and parasites will end up in the ocean.

• Picking up after your dog is not only common courtesy, but also your duty as a pet owner.

We live in a community. Next time you walk your dog, please do the right thing.

Siriporn Higgins Mutual 8 Editor:

The Nov. 5 edition had a letter from Craig Shanewise asking about installing solar panels to charge his electric car.

I have a Chevy Volt and can’t charge it. I am certain there are more electric or hybrid cars that would use on-site charging stations in Leisure World, Seal Beach.

I propose electric car owners who are interested in on-site charging stations petition the GRF to install them. For more information, contact me at Paul Polinski Mutual 10

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