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Redeemer Lutheran and St. Theodore

On Sunday, Oct. 27, the congregations of Redeemer Lutheran Church and St. Theodore of Canterbury Episcopal Church will celebrate Reformation Sunday. Everyone is invited to wear red as a sign of remembrance. The Rev. Murray D. Finck will preside. The 10:30 a.m. Communion and worship service meets at 13564 St. Andrews Drive.

Fellowship will continue afterward in the Fellowship Hall will be celebrating October birthdays with coffee, tea, cookies and snacks.

The congregations continue to collect donations of canned and boxed foods for the hungry.

The first part of the annual congregational meeting will be held Nov. 10 following the 10:30 a.m. service. The Bible Study will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at noon. Bishop Murray Finck will lead the discussion as the group continues to explore the Ten Commandments.

The Fall Bazaar will be held Nov. 14-15 from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., featuring arts and crafts, baked goods, gently-used treasures, jewelry, ceramics and more. A sign up sheet is in the entryway of the church. To reserve a table or receive more information, call Chairperson Carmen Leslie at 562-430-6950.

The Gospel lesson for this Sunday is from John, where Jesus talks about true freedom. How people act and what they do with their freedoms depends on factors such as how they were raised, politics, friends, societal influences and faith.

Jesus’ freedom is a bit different. He has freed people from the slavery of sin. which keeps people from God, who is all good and all loving. Jesus has given people a place by his side, but, they need to accept it.

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