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Assembly of God

Babies and small children are wonderful people. Part of their charm is their vulnerability, in that they need older people to help them with everything. There are milestones to be expected and celebrated in the maturing process. If an adolescent still needs help to do the smallest thing for himself, it is neither cute nor endearing. It is cause for alarm. Is there a disability present, or are they just lazy? The same diagnostic question should be asked regarding spiritual maturity. Being born again initiates the process of a lifelong journey toward “Spiritual Maturity,” the subject of Pastor Chuck Franco’s message on Sunday, Oct. 13, found in James 1:2-4. Discover what milestones a follower of Christ can expect to achieve in the maturing process.

The Wednesday Bible study is in session three of “Essentials for Finishing Well,” by Hal Habecker. This week focuses on the importance of remaining connected in significant relationships. “We Will Care For/Love Others,” is one of the seven declarations of this study.

Leisure World Assembly of God meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Wednesday Bible study is at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Hymn Sing is held on the fourth Sunday of the month, at 6 p.m., in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby. All Leisure World residents and friends are welcome.

More information can be found on the website, www.lwassemblyofgod. com, and on Facebook at the Leisure World Assembly of God Church page, where people can catch up on past sermons. Call the church office at 562-357-4360, or email for more information or to request a contact.

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