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Small changes can make a big difference in weight loss

Small changes can make a big difference in weight loss Small changes can make a big difference in weight loss


Female residents who want to find support on their weight-loss journey and meet like-minded people are welcome to stop by one of Wa-Rite’s meetings. The Wa-Rite is a womenonly club and meets on Friday mornings from 9-10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weigh-ins are from 8-8:45. Dues are $10 a year, plus 10 cents upon signing in. Those dimes go to the person who lost the most weight that week.

LW ID cards must be shown.

The club lost 17 pounds for the week, a whopping 36 pounds for the month of July, and gained three new members this month. The queen of the month was Karen Green who lost 7.5 pounds last month. Green was also a queen of the same month last year. Her secret of taking off the weight was throwing out everything that could make her gain weight. And, to curb her sweet tooth without guilt, she eats diet jello and puddings.

The biggest loser of the week was Nancy Pomicter with a 4-pound loss. Pomicter is a returning member after an eightyear absence, and the club is happy to have her back.

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Wa-Rite members Nancy Pomicter and Karen Green. WA-RITE

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The club’s honorary person of the month was Kathy Moran, who managed to keep her weight goal in July within 3 pounds. President Judy Chambers wrapped up the meeting with motivational food for thought: “You’re not on a diet, you’re making a lifestyle change!”

—Jan Friedland

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