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On-the-line game draws 31 players on July 31

On-the-line game draws 31 players on July 31 On-the-line game draws 31 players on July 31


The next all-member Shuffleboard Club general meeting will be today, Aug. 8, at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 1. All members are urged to attend as the major discussion will be about strategies for fall league play. Even without any additional teams, there are opportunities for additional team captains. Members who are interested in being a team captain can contact Karen Mendon at 562-822-0835 or Micki Aiello at 602-777-0585.

The club hosted a last-day-ofthe- month tournament, playing a crazy version of shuffleboard where teams earned points by landing their discs on the line rather than in the usual scoring areas. Thirty-one people enjoyed the afternoon by learning the new game, playing with partners that were not competitors but possibly new friends, and watching their team’s score go higher than ever before. The winning team was Harold Morehead and Mark Scott with a two-game total of 720. They won $23 as a result of their consistent play. The runner-up teams also won cash prizes and included the second-place team, the Stickers, with a combined score of 580, and the Worry Warts who earned third-place honors with 550 points.

The courts building will be open throughout August for open play Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9-11 and Friday from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesday evening Aug. 14 will be hosted by Harold Morehead. President Karen Mendon will host two Saturday morning open play sessions on Aug. 10 and 31 from 10 a.m.-noon.

The club barbecue will be Aug. 24 at 5 p.m. in the Clubhouse 1 picnic area. Additional information will be available at the general meeting.

—Kay Mount

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