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Joyful’s summer dance party brought together dancers of all levels

Joyful’s summer dance party brought together dancers of all levels Joyful’s summer dance party brought together dancers of all levels

Joyful Line Dance Club meets on Thursdays in Clubhouse 2 from 10-10:30 a.m. for beginners, 10:30-11 a.m. for intermediate dancers, and 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for advanced dancers. Athletic or dancing shoes are required.

On July 11, nearly 45 people participated in the club’s summer line dance party in celebration of its 10th anniversary. Karen Kei and Nak Soo Kim led the dances and everyone enjoyed a Korean dosirak lunch. The club thanks George Pinada and Sophia Kim for help with fruit cutting, and Gina Baik for working with a catering company and serving food.

The club’s mission is to improve LWers physical and emotional health and connect as many people as possible through dancing. The club’s leaders Albert and Gladys Comia, Karen Kei, Chung Cha Lewis, George Pinada, Carmel Atkinson, Sunny Kim, Ginna Paik, Elizabeth Kim and Nak Soo Kim and Anna Derby take turns teaching.

Each class provides an opportunity to learn new moves to popular tunes. Everyone is welcome. A membership fee is required.

For more information, call Anna Derby at 562-301-5339.

—Anna Derby

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