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Redeemer Lutheran and St. Theodore

On Sunday, Oct. 6, the congregations of Redeemer Lutheran Church and St. Theodore of Canterbury Episcopal Church will celebrate the 20th Sunday after Pentecost with Bishop Murray Finck will preside. The Communion and worship service gathers at 13564 St. Andrews Drive at 10:30 a.m. After service, people are welcome to gather in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy tea, cookie and snacks together.

The congregations continue to collect food donations of canned and boxed foods for the hungry.

The Bible Study will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 9, from noon-1:15 p.m. Bishop Murray Finck will lead the discussion.

This week’s message will be about Jesus presenting a new idea for his time: women and children matter. Oddly, society is still struggling with this concept: who is important in society. Even today people are still struggling to make that perfect society that Jesus had envisioned. Believers need look at their own lives.

In the baptismal rite, believers receive the light of Christ to be kept burning brightly and are clothed in white to represent the putting on of Christ and the inherent dignity of each person as a creation of God.

How are baptized members of God’s family, teaching and handing faith through words and actions? This is why Jesus put an emphasis on family and children. It is through the family that people learn how to treat others, how to respect one another, how to love and care for one another.

This is the society that Jesus envisioned and believers are working towards as they seek to build the kingdom of God. Believers are encouraged to look around to see if there someone in their life who needs a hand to feel accepted in society or someone who could use a kind word, a soft touch, an invitation, or just a smile to be strengthened and not feel so alone.

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