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Opera Club

The Opera Club will hold a free screening of Mozart’s “Così fan tutte” on Tuesday, July 16, at 1:30 p.m. in the Learning Center of Clubhouse 3. All are welcome.

The 1790 comic opera, scripted by Lorenzo da Ponte, has its literary roots in stories by Bocccaccio, Shakespeare and Cervantes who all focused on constancy in female love and tests to prove it. Club member Deborah Schwartz will introduce this tale, often translated in earlier years as “Women Are Like That” but perhaps more accurately described today— with our current psychological knowledge—as “Things Are Like That.”

Act 1 introduces two young servicemen who rave about the virtues of each of their betrothed, who are sisters. Within hearing is an old philosopher, Don Alvaro, who challenges their beliefs and offers them a bet of 100 coins to prove the girls will not endure their lovers’ absence even for a short time. They take on his challenge by announcing to their betrothed that they have been activated for service and they will keep in touch by writing every day. They then reappear as heavily disguised, romantic Albanians, ready to flirt with each others’ betrothed. The old philosopher in the meantime, has recruited the sisters’ maidservant Despina, a reality-oriented person, who tells the sisters that servicemen are never faithful, so why should they be?

In Act 2 the men each target the other’s betrothed and the increasing flirtations lead to preparations for marriage of the two sisters to their newly found suitors. When the original servicemen re-enter as only half-disguised Albanians—exposing the scheme—the ladies beg pardon. The men acknowledge the loss of their bet with the philosopher but decide to re-establish equilibrium with their original pairings.

The production is in Italian with English subtitles. For more information contact Margaret Gillon at MargaretGi@yahoo. com or call 562-370-3844.

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