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Drive Through Flu Clinic is Nov. 16 at CH 4

Drive Through Flu Clinic is Nov. 16 at CH 4 Drive Through Flu Clinic is Nov. 16 at CH 4

The clinic will be held in the Clubhouse 4 parking lot on Monday, Nov. 16, between 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Cars will enter the north entrance (see the yellow lines) and exit onto Northwood Road. Tables will be set up on the side of Clubhouse 4 for walkers and people arriving on scooters, bikes, shuttles and golf carts. People must wear masks and stay six feet apart if there is a line. Everyone will need to bring a photo identification card and a consent form already filled out. Consent forms can be picked up at the Health Care Center, the Recreation Office in Building 5 and on any Leisure World Minibus. See page 1 for complete information.

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