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Protocols are in place but with spiking case counts, reopenings may not last long.

Protocols are in place but with spiking case counts, reopenings  may not last long. Protocols are in place but with spiking case counts, reopenings  may not last long.

In a recent test of Orange County residents for a wide range of coronavirus antibodies, University of California, Irvine, researchers found that 11.5 percent of them have antibodies for COVID- 19, in contrast to previous estimates of less than 2 percent. UCI researchers led the project in partnership with the OC Health Care Agency.

Researchers were working on a hunch that the prevalence of COVID-19 had been underestimated in Orange County, since people with few to no symptoms are rarely tested.

The results will enable leaders of the sixth-largest county in the U.S. to identify key demographics at higher risk of contracting— and having adverse outcomes from—the virus.

Leisure World residents already know they are at greater risk of adverse outcomes from COVID-19. Recent OC Health Care Agency statistics show that the percentage of COVID-19 cases resulting in fatalities is high and increasing week by week. This is an alarming trend for the LW community, as the largest increase is in people aged 84-plus.

Health experts’ predictions that the fall and flu season would compound the situation seem to be coming true.

As OC cases mount, GRF Executive Director Randy Ankeny and the GRF Board are consulting health experts and monitoring case counts.

The GRF Ad Hoc Committee has spent hours hammering out a list of protocols for reopening amenities here, and some facilities are currently operating under COVID-19 restrictions, including the golf course, Veterans Plaza for group exercise and the Mission Park multipurpose courts (see schedule at left).

Local health leaders have taken note of the low rate of known infection in Leisure World. That is attributed to aggressive and early shut down of amenities, stringent protocols requiring masks and distancing at GRF venues, and the slow reopening of facilities. In addition OptumCare has scheduled a second flu clinic on Nov. 16 so all residents have the opportunity to be protected against flu.

GRF employees have been required to wear masks in the community since March and remote meetings are strongly encouraged to safely conduct Mutual and GRF business.

If case numbers continue to spike, it is possible that a new round of shut downs may be ordered. As unwelcome as that may be, community safety will remain the top priority.

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