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Political signs face vandalism in LW; policy dictates display rules

Political signs face vandalism in LW; policy dictates display rules Political signs face vandalism in LW; policy dictates display rules


The political divide is manifesting itself in Leisure World with ongoing disputes about political yard signs, including multiple incidents of theft and vandalism. In a Sept. 5 incident, a woman’s Kamala Harris sign was covered with black spray paint.

Everyone is entitled to free speech. This includes the right to place signs and banners of support for candidates (within Mutual and GRF rules) and other lawful actions to support their candidates or cause.

California Civil Code 4710 clearly states that GRF or the Mutual cannot prohibit political signs, posters, flags, or banners.

The items may be placed inside a resident’s unit or on balconies. It is important to note that no type of sign or banner can be placed on a exterior window, doors, or walls since these are considered common areas.

In regard to political signs, a person

Residents use political signs to show support for their favored candidates.

Paul Kryczko who knowingly destroys, marks, tears down, or otherwise defaces a sign supporting or opposing a candidate for elective office or a ballot measure without authorization, in addition to any other penalty provided by law (up to 90 days in jail), is subject to an additional fine not to exceed one thousand dollars (CA Penal Code Section 594.9).

Rules Dictating Political Signs in Garden Areas Depending on the Mutual, there is a small amount of space in front of a unit’s door or patio area that may be considered “exclusive use” for the resident and not considered common area.

This typically ends up being a garden area. Posting in this area would be allowed, but again, each Mutual may have a different take on “exclusive use.”

Anyone who that believes there is a violation of the sign or poster policies is advised to take a picture of the sign and have their Mutual director review it, or email Security at,

which will consult with Mutual Administration.

Obscene or Inappropriate Signs, Banners or Posters

Some residents have reported signs that they considered inappropriate or obscene. After consulting with the Seal Beach Police Department, the First Amendment gives a person wide access to all types of thought, including the use of words and images one might find inappropriate or obscene. The sign or poster becomes criminal in nature if it promotes acts of violence or is spreading hate speech against a class of people.

Reporting Sign/Banner/ Poster Violations The process of reporting violations is: All sign violations should be immediately reported to a Mutual director. The Mutual will then review the issue with Mutual Administration. If warranted, a letter will be sent to the resident detailing the violation.

Security can be dispatched to ask the resident to remove the violating sign. Security may only advise the resident of the violation and ask to have the sign removed. If the resident refuses, Security may not remove the sign on its own. Security will complete an incident report and advise Mutual Administration of the interaction with the resident.

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