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Sola Lights in Your Home

Sola Lights in Your Home Sola Lights in Your Home

by Jaetaik Yoo

LW contributor

In 1879, Thomas Edison developed an electric light bulb which could be used at home, and he brought the electric light to the public masses. Currently we can’t live even a day without electricity to light our homes. So Edison is one of the great figures in human history in the fields of science and culture. He also invented the phonograph and moving pictures. Thanks to him, we can enjoy films and videos today. He also contributed to the development of human life by inventing a lot of new items.

More than many other things, the invention of electric light created tremendous momentum in transforming human life and culture. Under the electric lights, we can read books and newspapers and watch TV. First of all, the electric light is brighter than other lights, convenient to use and environmentally friendly, without smoke or gases.

I am also using another light, the Sola light, which is an economical way to get energy because it is powered by sunlight.

Sola energy is a great revolution in terms of energy, especially when considering possible short- ages in other types of energy. Sola energy is becoming an alternative to oil and other energy materials.

Sola lights are all over, even in Leisure World. There are many sola lights placed around the flower beds and homes. Sola lights are very easy to use. They just need to charge in the daytime. They are economical because we don’t need money to charge it. There is no danger of fire and it doesn’t cause gas or smoke. We don’t need matches or lighters to ignite it. It is safe even in the wind and therefore, useful at home.

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