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RSVP by June 27 for Joyful Line Dance summer party

RSVP by June 27 for Joyful Line Dance summer party RSVP by June 27 for Joyful Line Dance summer party

The Joyful Line Dance Club meets on Thursdays in Clubhouse 2 as follows: from 10-10:30 a.m. for beginners, from 10:3011 a.m. for intermediate dancers, and from 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for advanced dancers. Athletic or dancing shoes are required. All attendees have to be registered members with a paid fee.

On Thursday, July 11, the club will have a summer line dance party with a Korean dosirak lunch. Members are welcome to sign up with the club’s treasurer Sophia Kim, and bring family and friends. Attendance including lunch is $20 per person. Last day to sign up is June 27. The club will have a photo op before the class begins.

For more information, text 562-301-5339.

—Anna Derby

Last year, members of the Joyful line Dance Club enjoyed each other's company over food and dancing at its annual summer line dance party.

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