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Tournament Poker Club

Tournament Poker Club Tournament Poker Club

The next tournament of the Tournament Poker Club is on June 22 for those who would like to play a fun and friendly game of Texas Hold ‘Em for a $5 buy-in. Regular tournaments are the first three Saturdays of every month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6 with registration beginning at 10 a.m., along with treats and coffee. Cards are in the air at 10:30. There is no late seating.

Reservations are being accepted for the next round of poker lessons for those who are rusty, learning, or who have never played before. Call Debbie Barner at 325-721-0687 to reserve or for more information.

The club had a great turn out for the June 1 tournament. For the high hand prize, Kurt Bourhenne and Shelly Yu both had the same hand of AAAKK. No one played and won with the promo hand of 8-3.

About 48 players started the game, and play continued until the winners of each individual table found their place at the final table. As play continued, the following players were knocked out in this order: Marvin Rolnick, sixth; Tom Pappas, fifth; Guta Basner, fourth; Steve Edrich, third. Wendy Wu and John Burns were the final two left. At the last hand, Wu went all in before the flop with 7-9 of clubs. She was called by Burns with an A of hearts and 8 of diamonds. The flop came 6 hearts, A and J of diamonds which gave Burns the lead with a pair of aces. The turn was a 2 of spades and the river was a 3 of diamonds with help for Wu. The pair of aces on the flop gave Burns the winning hand.

Burns has lived in Leisure World for five years and has been a member of the poker club for four years. This was his 10th final table win at regular tournament. In addition to tournament poker, Burns plays pickleball and shoots pool here in Leisure World. His hobbies include jiu-jitsu and bowling.

—Debbie Barner

John Burns

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