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Shuffleboard Club mini series scores high turnout

Shuffleboard Club mini series scores high turnout Shuffleboard Club mini series scores high turnout

On May 15, the Shuffleboard Club began a never-before-tried three week mini series for new members. Organizer and originator of the idea Sue Burkschab said her goal for the program is “to have everybody play safely and walk away having a good time.”

During the first session there was a full house of seasoned players helping out the new participants. The next two sessions will be held at the court on consecutive Wednesday evenings, May 22 and 29, from 6-8 p.m.

During the second session the new players will set up and clean up and will be instructed on safety, as they were the first session, and on shuffleboard etiquette. The third and final session the players will set and clean up once again and focus on strategies as well as score keeping and safety. It is the club’s hope that many of the participants will then be ready and able to join a regular league.

Open play days will resume the week of May 20 at the regularly scheduled time of Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9-11 a.m. for any members, new or experienced, wanting to practice.

May 10 morning league results: Team Sally overwhelmed Team Milly 11-1. Team Milly had no all-game winners while Marilyn Blackmun, Sally Fowler, Barbara Gardner, Donna Perkins and Ellie West all earned that title for Team Sally. Team Carol and Team Shel each won six games. Team Carol’s all-game winners were Steve Edrich and Roger Bennett. Team Shel’s allgame winner was Anita Giroud.

May 14 evening league results: Team Rod/Anne surpassed Team Sally 8-4. Anne Calvo, Donna Gorman and Sue Rotter earned all-game status for Team Rod/Anne and Sally Fowler was all-game winner for Team Sally. Team Chandra topped Team Karen/ Sue 7-5. Team Chandra’s allgame winners included Minda Burkschab, Susan Hopewell and Chandra Patel. Karen Mendon and Jesus Sosa were all-game winners for Team Karen/Sue.

—Barbara Gardner

A whooping 19 new mini series participants came to the Shuffleboard Club, most because of GRF's April LW Discovery Tour.

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