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Letters to Editor


The LW Weekly should be saluted by all fair-minded people for at least three of its policies, all of which others might well emulate.

While other media outlets politicize the COVID19 pandemic turning Democrats against Republicans and vice versa, this paper has repeatedly, every week, called on all of us to come together as a community to fight this plague with a unity of purpose.

Other newspapers, radio stations and television channels tend to consistently support either one party or the other, but the LW Weekly does the opposite.

Every week readers see an article supporting the Democratic and the Republican clubs’ points of view, often next to each other.

Even though people today spend time attacking the actions and views of the opposite party, the Weekly allows only positive comments.

The Democratic Club says what they are doing, who they support and why, and the Republican Club does the same.

Imagine if others followed these three principles.

It would not bring heaven on earth, but it might help us not to be so angry at one another all the time.

Brian Harmon Mutual 12 Editor:

I plan to purchase an electric vehicle (EV) soon, but my inability to charge at home is fast becoming a real concern.

Unlike the golf carts, I am unable to park in front of my house to charge up.

Sustainability is extremely important to me, but rather than rattle off a laundry list of reasons why installing EV charging stations would benefit me, I’d like to discuss how EV charging can help us all.

First, electric cars are becoming more common. Like me, a lot of people are concerned about climate change and pollution, and we want to do our part, plus the potential savings over a gasoline powered vehicle helps all of us who are on a fixed income.

GRF has been doing this by replacing its gasoline-powered vehicles with electric ones.

Second, people want to live in green communities. Most people want to live near those who share their values.

Just like the amenities that we currently enjoy, being able to charge an EV within the complex could increase the property values for the whole community.

Finally, incentives like rebates, grants and tax credits can help offset the cost of the infrastructure.

Companies like ChargePoint and Volta can point you to incentives available in California.

For those reasons alone (more EVs are coming, people want to live in green communities, and it’s more affordable than you might think), I hope you’ll consider offering EV charging at Leisure World Seal Beach.

Timothy Linehan Mutual 9 Editor:

Thank you so much for the front page article regarding the Monarch Waystation in the Oct. 22 edition of the LW Weekly.

As a resident of Mutual 2, I have enjoyed seeing the monarch butterflies every spring and summer fly by my garden area.

I know that Mutual 2 Landscape Chairwoman Christine Harris has been nourishing the monarch for a long time now.

Also, as a member of the National Wildlife Federation, there is much said about the ongoing need for monarch waystations everywhere.

Here is what was stated in the last issue: “We Need Wildlife And Wild Places—Now More Than Ever.”

My thanks again to Christine Harris for making the Monarch Waystation possible.

Carol Franz, Ph.D Mutual 2

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