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GRF Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, May 28, 10 a.m., Clubhouse 4

The GRF Board meeting can be attended in person or live streamed at The tab will be active 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.

The live streaming uses YouTube Live and terminates at the close of the meeting.

1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call/Notice of Quorum

3. President’s Announcement

4. Member Comments

5. Consent Calendar a. Accept GRF Board of Directors Minutes, March 26, 2024 b. Accept the Interim Financial Statements for February and March 2024 for Audit c. Accept the Capital Funds Investment Purchase d. Approve Transfers of Funds for GRF per Civil Code 5502 For February and March e. Ratify 13-5093-1, Authorized Rules of Conduct -Rules f. Amend 70-1487-6, Lease Agreement – RV Lot g. Amend 37-1488-6, Lease Agreement – Community Garden (1.8 Acre)

6. New Business a. Capital Funding i. Internet Provider Migration ii. Clubhouse 2 Flex Space b. Operating Funding i. Holiday Decoration ii. Circuit Transit Proposal c. Reserve Funding i. Security Vehicles Replacement ii. Heat Pump Replacement Amphitheater—Video Producers Room iii. Replacement of Entry Canopy in Clubhouse 2 iv. Replacement of Card Tables in Clubhouse 1 d. Governing Documents i. Tentative Vote: Amend 48-1937-1, Parking Rules ii. Amend 13-5028-3, GRF Director’s Handbook 7. Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 23, at 10 a.m., Clubhouse 4 8. Adjournment

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