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Accessibility for Voters in Orange County

The Orange County Registrar of Voters values accessibility, and every effort has been made to ensure all Vote Centers and ballot drop boxes meet accessibility standards. Drive-thru only ballot drop boxes have posted signage with the address of the closest accessible ballot drop box location. This year, all Vote Centers will feature:

• Accessible voting machines to mark the ballot.

• American Sign Language interpreters via video conferencing.

• Curbside voting with a paper ballot.

• Additional assistance upon request.

• Voters that are unable to mark a ballot may bring up to two individuals to assist in voting.

For additional assistance, people can call the Registrar of Voters at 714-567-7600 or the toll-free number at 1-888-628-6837. Help is also available at the California Disability Rights Voting Hotline at 1-888-569-7955. Voters that are deaf, hard of hearing, or speechdisabled may use the California Relay Service (CRS) by dialing 711 to use the telephone system via a text telephone (TTY) or other devices to call OC Registrar of Voter’s toll-free voter phone line. CRS supports the following modes of communication: TTY, VCO, 2LVCO, HCO, STS, VASTS, ASCII, or Voice.

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