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Letters to the Editor


Much ink and energy has been expended on national politics here, while the Golden Rain Foundation Board—which we control—spends our money in ways that I consider wasteful.

On Aug. 1, the LW Weekly reported that the GRF Board took action to spend $347,000 to change the traffic light in the community.

I’m not surprised by the action.

But the project price tag follows other traffic studies that cost us thousands.

What does that get us? A system that is guaranteed to bollocks up traffic at that busy intersection, with nothing to show for it.

“Entitled” and “careless” drivers in Leisure World won’t change. They’re just spending money on a sociology problem.

Community speed limit? Rarely observed.

Stop signs? Mere suggestions.

Pedestrians in crosswalks take their lives in their hands. I frequently observe drivers blowing through red lights now.

More people will run the red light, because getting stuck adds 60 to 90 seconds to their commute. A car waiting to turn left may hit a car going through on red, or, send another pedestrian to the hospital, or the morgue.

Changing the traffic light in Leisure World won’t solve our problem.

Taking the high road toward driving will. Learn self-control when driving.

Tell guests, caregivers and vendors to do the same. Observe speed limits, stop signs and pedestrians.

Driving is a privilege, not a right. With privilege comes responsibility.

Ask if it’s time for you to begin using the bus system that some GRF Board members are trying to take away from you.

Peter Bates Mutual 7 Editor:

Mr. Ward’s letter (Aug. 8) about Joe Biden’s decision to not seek re-election is nothing but conspiracy banter repeated through the Right Wing.

I believe in free speech, but Mr. Ward’s opinion is fabrication with no factual-based statements.

Why does LW Weekly print these letters?

They serve no purpose but promoting untruths. Maureen Ashley Mutual 2 Editor’s Note: See the “To Our Readers” column on this page at left for an explanation of the LWWeekly’s position on political letters and advertising.

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