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Hula dancers are learning ‘Waikaloa’

Hula dancers are learning ‘Waikaloa’ Hula dancers are learning ‘Waikaloa’

Hui O Hula, LW’s hula club, offers Hawaiian dance lessons twice a week. On Tuesdays, class meets upstairs in the mirror room in Clubhouse 6; and on Thursdays dancers gather outdoors, under a giant tent, at Veterans Plaza. Both classes start at 1:15 p.m. All, including men, are welcome. Na malihini (visitors or newcomers) are also welcome to observe or audit the class.

Traditional hula is danced barefoot. Dancers should bring a pair of socks or soft booties as the dance floor can be hard or cold. Those who cannot be without shoes may dance seated, known as hula noho. Staying active while being social with fellow dancers is key to a happy and healthy life, according to President Jojo Weingart.

In class, dancers are learning the hula to Waikaloa, choreographed by Weingart. Waikaloa is a place song/hula. It is located on the island of Maui by Hana Bay. This week, dancers are learning how to describe noe/rain, ua kea/fog, as well as the wind named malualua which blows from the north, and how malualua chase and break up the misty fog.

Dancers enjoy sharing their aloha with patients and the homebound. They look forward to entertaining at the Long Beach VA Hospital on Aug. 22. It has been Hui O Hula’s tradition to dance there.

For class or performance information call 562-431-2242 or email

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