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Presentation will follow journey through West Africa

Presentation will follow journey through West Africa Presentation will follow journey through West Africa


The Traveling Tigers will meet on Wednesday, May 15, in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, at noon. The meeting will begin with a potluck. Members, and guests who would like to participate, are encouraged to bring a dish to share. At 1 p.m. there will be a short business meeting followed by the presentation.

Edward Hickman recently had a chance to spend a month traveling across West Africa. Starting out on a land journey across Ghana, Togo and Benin, he then flew to Senegal and The Gambia before heading out on a small expedition ship to Cape Verde. He saw the colorful coffins made in the shapes of airplanes and animals in Ghana. He visited the world’s largest Voodoo market in Togo. There was a Mardi Gras parade in the capital of Cape Verde and a huge active volcano.

He got to stand on the westernmost point of the African continent after having been to the northernmost point, located in Tunisia, in 2022. Hickman was in Dakar, Senegal when the president of that country decided to cancel the elections due to perceived problems with his opposing candidate, causing widespread demonstrations. The small group he traveled with also went to Jufureh, The Gambia, famous as the birthplace of Kunta Kinteh in the Alex Haley novel “Roots.”

—Edward Hickman

A cooking demonstration in West Africa.

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