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America-First Republican Club

by Brian Harmon

LW contributor

California Sen. Janet Nguyen, Seal Beach City councilman Thomas Moore, and Planning Commissioner Ben Wong will hold a Town Hall today, Aug. 1, in Clubhouse 4 at noon. All residents are invited to attend to hear an update on state and local issues and get their questions answered. See page one for more information about the events. Nguyen will also be a speaker at the America-First Republican Club on Aug. 21 along with congressional candidate Scott Baugh at 5 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2.

Moore represents District 2, which includes the portion of LW north and west of St. Andrews Drive. When he started on the council, the Leisure World Committee was formed. This committee includes LW leaders and other volunteers. A major project of this committee was getting the Naval Weapons Station to improve the appearance of the area near Seal Beach Boulevard facing LW.

Volunteers are needed to knock on doors and make phone calls for the upcoming elections, as well as staff the club booth. Those interested in volunteering can stop by the booth to sign up or come to a monthly meeting.

The club booth is located near Clubhouse 6, and is open every Monday and Wednesday in August. Trump yard signs, American flags, Israeli flags, buttons, and other political paraphernalia are available. The flags cost $10. Other items are free, although donations are accepted. Merchandise will only be sold on Mondays.

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