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Art League’s Spotlight on the Artist event is July 26

Art League’s Spotlight on the Artist event is July 26 Art League’s Spotlight on the Artist event is July 26

The Art League will have its Spotlight on The Artist reception Friday, July 26, from 1-3:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 4.

LW residents and their guests are all welcome to attend. Snacks and refreshments will be served, and entertainment will be provided by guitarist Mickey Costello, who will play classical Latin music in the background.

The reception will feature art by Art League portrait artists who will exhibit several art subjects, but will focus mainly on the theme “Faces of Leisure World.”

—Larry Sioson

Model Kelly Frankiewicz (back, l-r) and artists Carmen Leslie, Fujiko Miller, Jim Salchek, Carol Levine (front, l-r) and Kent McLaughlin.

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