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South Coast Orchid Society

South Coast Orchid Society of Long Beach will host a free program by Donna Ballard on “Growing Orchids on a Dime” at Whaley Park Community Center, 5620 E. Atherton St. in Long Beach at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 22.

There was a time when orchids were thought to be a rich man’s hobby. Ballard has spent years finding the most costeff ective choices in all phases of orchid growing, from the plants to the potting materials, pest control, shade, watering and all the other incidentals that orchids need.

Her improvised growing areas have produced many award-winning plants, and she has been able to adapt the growing areas for a changing climate and the requirements of new varieties that catch her interest. The club will spend some time discussing affordable ways to improve its results. Orchids grown by members and visitors will be on display. The meeting is open to the public.

For more information, visit

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