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Gift certificate raffle set for April 6


Be sure to stop by the bocce court behind Clubhouse 2 on Saturday, April 6, during The Great LW Discovery Tour between 11 a.m.-2 p.m. for the raffle of a $50 gift certificate from a local restaurant.

The club celebrated the renovation of the new bocce court on March 24 with lunch, laughter and practice games when about 70-80 members showed up with wonderful dishes to share. Everyone loved the new surface and there were many new people who were interested in joining the club. Many of the new sign-ups will be playing during the spring season and waiting lists have started for the rest. The club thanks everyone who participated and brought goodies to the party.

The new spring season will begin the week of April 9-14. By this time, everyone should have received their new schedules. Those who have not received their email by now should contact the coordinator to get the necessary information. Players can also call Rhonda at 714-904-6458 with any questions or problems. New schedules will be posted on the bulletin board next to Clubhouse 2 as well as an updated substitute list.

—Rhonda Cox

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