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Community Church

Community Church Community Church

By Johan Dodge


This week, Community Church will continue looking at the Gospel of Matthew with the story of the Pharisees asking Jesus which commandment is the greatest. It’s one of the few times that Jesus answers a question like this directly.

We are invited to ask ourselves which commandment is the greatest in our lives? What is the structure upon which we order our lives and the way we view the world around us? Jesus gave the Pharisees a very clear answer in how we should conduct ourselves. We will go over it on Sunday morning. If I have left you with questions, why not come and join us online?

Tune into worship Sunday morning at 9:50 on Facebook live, @communitychurchleisureworld.

Call the church office or email to join the virtual fellowship. If you don’t have a computer or Facebook, call in to our phone system at (562) 431-2503 to listen to the message beginning Sunday evening.

If you are in need without another way to address it, call the church office at (562) 431-2503.

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