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Hiring a Caregiver in LW, Part 2

by Cindy Tostado

member resources/assistance liaison

Last week (Part 1, Oct. 15, LW Weekly), my column considered when it might be time to consider hiring a caregiver. This week, we will take a look at how to hire a caregiver in Leisure World. Policy 7557 states that your employed caregiver be registered to your Mutual. The specific requirements vary from mutual to mutual.

The Shareholder is responsible for registering the caregiver to their unit. Requirements for Caregiver Registration are:

• Caregiver’s picture ID.

• Doctor’s note stipulating whether full- or part-time care is needed.

• City of Seal Beach business license.

Mutuals 8, 11 and 17 must have a Seal Beach business license.

Mutuals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 14 should have a Seal Beach business license but it is not required.

Mutuals 1, 15 and 16 do not require a business license.

Caregiver Pass and Badge

• The pass must be renewed every six months (December and June).

• The pass must be worn in clear sight at all times.

• Passes or badge holders may not be transferred or lent to anyone.

Use of Laundry Facilities

• Caregivers must comply with Policy 7575, Laundry Room Use.

• Part-time caregivers may use laundry facilities for shareholder’s laundry only. Part-time caregivers who use Mutual laundry facilities for their personal or family use will be permanently barred from Leisure World.

• Caregivers who are 24-hour live-ins may use washers and dryers for their personal use but may not use the washers and dryers for other family members or friends.

• Washers and dryers are to be cleaned after every use.

• Only two washers and dryers may be used at a time.

• Washed items are not allowed to be hung on patios.

• No items soiled with human waste may be placed.

General Requirements

• Caregiver must cease all noise after 10 p.m., i.e., no TVs, radios, loud talking.

• Neighbors’ rights to peaceful possession must be respected at all times.

• Caregivers are not allowed to bring family members or friends to the apartment.

• Caregivers are not allowed to bring pets into Leisure World.

• Caregivers must comply with the occupancy agreement.

• Caregivers are not allowed to use community facilities.

• Caregivers must comply with and assist their shareholder/employer with all Mutual policies.

• Caregivers must comply with all Leisure World traffic regulations.

General Vehicle

• Caregivers must provide a photo I.D., such as a driver’s license.

• Caregivers must provide proof of insurance.

• If the shareholder does not have a vehicle, the caregiver may use the carport space for his or her own vehicle after obtaining a temporary parking pass through the Stock Transfer Office. The temporary parking pass must be clearly displayed on the dashboard of the caregiver’s vehicle at all times.

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