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is not canceled

Giving thanks in the face of the unimaginable

2020 has been a year of unbridled sacrifice as COVID-19 has ripped through the country, tearing apart families, traditions and the very foundations of day-to-day life.

Yet, amid the grave emergency that has gripped American life, there have been glimmers of good—compassionate kindness, determination to see it through, and courage to embrace new ways to protect yourself and others.

Thanksgiving is just weeks away. As this unprecedented year winds to a close, it is time to take stock of the blessings and victories, all the things you are grateful for.

The LW Weekly is planning a special Thanksgiving issue to highlight the brighter facets of 2020. Weekly readers are invited to share a lesson learned, an act of kindnesss, an encouragement or anything that they are grateful for.

Submissions should be brief.

They are subject to editing and will run as space allows.

Email submissions to, include full name and Mutual number.

The deadline is Nov. 18.

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