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Save the date for the flea market: July 13

Save the date for the flea market: July 13 Save the date for the flea market: July 13


The Sunny Side Café in Seal Beach is one of the sponsors for the American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion Post 327’s upcoming flea market fundraiser on July 13.

The flea market will be held from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. outside of Clubhouse 2. All residents are welcome to come and enjoy a day of bargain shopping and a picnic lunch.

Post members will sell coffee and donuts in the morning. Starting at 10:30 a.m., the Post will sell various lunch items such as hot dogs, chili dogs and more. A complimentary dessert from the Sunny Side Café will be served with every lunch purchase.

••• The American Legion Auxiliary met to install new officers during a potluck luncheon. The Post 327 men and two district officials were also present at the meeting.

Each year the Past Presidents Parlie (a group consisting of the last three presidents) join and selects a special member who has gone far and beyond her call of duty serving the Auxiliary and sharing her talents. This year, the award was given to Sally Fowler. She joined the Auxiliary in 2015.

Proud supporters of the American Legion Post 327 and American Legion Auxiliary met at Sunny Side Café, which will be one of the sponsors for the upcoming flea market.

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