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LW Pickleball Club paddles its way to victory

LW Pickleball Club paddles its way to victory LW Pickleball Club paddles its way to victory

The Leisure World Pickleball Club hosted a tournament against Laguna Woods on March 16 for the second time in six months. The first friendly challenge between the clubs was last October and resulted in a win for Leisure World with 30 games to Laguna Woods’ 19. A fun time was had by both clubs with Laguna Woods requesting a rematch as soon as possible. Their chance at redemption however fell short with the LW club holding steady, resulting in another victory with 29 games to Laguna Woods’ 23. Both sides seem to really enjoy coming together and are looking forward to future competitions.

—Lynn Burnett

Pickleball players hit the court on March 16 for a friendly competition.

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