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Early memory loss program is coming in July


This July, the LWSB Memory Support Team and Alzheimer’s OC will host a three-week supportive, educational group for people living independently with early memory loss due to Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s or a related dementia.

In this program people will have an opportunity to meet others in similar situations and learn how they deal with challenges, and work with compassionate, professional facilitators experienced in memory loss.

Attendees will also learn about medications, coping techniques for dealing with day-to-day challenges, social relationships. building supportive network and planning for the future.

Pre-screening and registration are required.

For more information, call 1-844-373-4400, or contact GRF Member Resources Liaison Robann Arshat at 562-431-6586, ext. 2317.

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