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Friends of the Library: New Of.cers

Friends of the Library: New Of.cers Friends of the Library: New Of.cers

The Friends of the Library has new officers: President Roberta Johnson, Vice President Paula Snowden and Boutique Coordinator Judy Graham. Former officers Joyce Brannon and Marta Brounley have resigned.

Brannon is credited with greatly improving the organization of the bookstore after the pandemic. Open communication with volunteers was one of her priorities, as was publicizing the value of the bookstore to the LW community as a source for donations of books and household items and giving back to the community.

Brounley added charm and beauty to the boutique, improving the system for evaluating donated items, and greatly assisted the president in working with volunteers.

Both were dedicated to the success of the Friends of the Library and will be greatly missed. The new officers are incumbents who have also contributed many years to the success of the Book Store and Boutique and will keep the Friends of the Library moving forward.

—Patricia Kruger

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