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GAF releases Ralphs Community Rewards first quarter report

GAF releases Ralphs Community Rewards first quarter report GAF releases Ralphs Community Rewards first quarter report

The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) would like to thank those who have signed up for the Ralphs Community Rewards program over the past three months and those who have shopped at Ralphs to contribute to the GAF.

The GAF received a report from Ralph’s Community Reward Committee that 412 shareholders shopped from December to February, bringing a donation total of $1,475.01 to the GAF. It is the highest number of shoppers since the GAF began this program in 2014.

The GAF continues to encourage residents to link their Ralphs Reward cards to the GAF organization. The more shareholders shop with the Ralphs, the more money the GAF will earn without additional cost to residents.

GAF would also like to thank its board members, who have been volunteering at the booth on Wednesdays to help people sign up for the program since May 10. They are Cheryl Falconer, Beth Greeley, Diana Lambert, Shery Wells and Anna Derby.

GAF volunteers are available every third Wednesday in Clubhouse 6 from 9-11 a.m. to help LWers sign up for the program. The next date to sign up in person will be Wednesday, April 17.

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