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Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke Community Karaoke

Karaoke singers sang their hearts out on March 6 during another rainy karaoke evening.

Chuck Oehl chose a rousing “Hey Good Looking” for his first number. Michael Berthold sang the cutesy tune “Honey Money.” Vinny Correnti put some power into “He’s So Vain.” Essie Hicks entertained the audience with the beautiful “Still Loving You.” “Piano Man” was Tony Tupas’ hit of the night. Donald Horning pleased onlookers with the Beatles “Yesterday.” Walt Bier and Elizabeth Butterfield harmonized singing “Sweetest Thing I”ve Ever Known.” Bruce Lee was at ease with “You Know I’m No Good.” Listening to the wide variety of songs lets people escape from everything and the evening goes by quickly.

The karaoke parties will return to Clubhouse 1 this week, where the club meets each Wednesday beginning at 5:30 p.m. The club will celebrate St Patrick’s Day a little early. The karaoke songbooks have several pages of Irish tunes for people to to check out. Karaoke practice sessions are held each Monday in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

—Margie Thompson

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