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Hui O Hula

Hui O Hula Hui O Hula

Hui O Hula offers Hawaiian dance lessons on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:15 p.m. The Tuesday class is held upstairs in Clubhouse 6 while the Thursday class meets outdoors at Veterans Plaza, or inside Clubhouse 3 when the weather is unfavorable. All are welcome. For more information call 562431-2242.

The current class subject is “Waikiki Hula.” Composed in 1916, this song was dedicated to a home—an estate in Waikiki called Pualeilani/heavenly flower lei—and its owners, Hawaiian Prince Kuhiō Kalaniana‘ole and wife Princess Kahanu. This song talks about beloved Waikiki and its whispering sea, fragrance seaweed and attractive Diamond Head: a famous place that attracts visitors from around the world. In class, dancers not only are learning how to express the lyrics with their hands and emotions, but also with the hula implements ‘uli’uli/feather gourds, pu’ili/bamboo rattles and the ipu/gourds.

Happy May birthday to dancer Cynthia Saxon. As a social worker, Saxon addressed injustices and provided a voice for the underserved for nearly 40 years. She has been happily retired for over a decade. An epicurean who enjoys her daily walks, PBS TV, home improvements and hula dancing, Saxon is still making a difference with her insightfulness and compassion. Her hula family appreciates her and sends her many happy returns.

All are welcome to learn and practice hula at the Hui O Hula classes. Regardless of skill levels, having fun enjoying friendship while dancing together are key.

Hui O Hula dancers wish Cynthia Saxon (middle, seated) a happy May birthday. All — including men—are welcome to hula.

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