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How to dispose of PPE

As we use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and latex gloves to avoid spreading the coronavirus, the amount of debris littering our surroundings has increased.

But it’s not just an eyesore; casually discarded masks often end up in storm drains, from where they are swept into oceans. As reported by the Guardian, masks in particular are causing issues with marine life, who will mistake them for jellyfish, causing digestion problems and possibly deaths. And just as happens with soda-can rings and plastic bags, masks can also entangle critters.

Many sources (including the Oct. 8 LW Weekly) recommend cutting the ear loops and facecovering parts of masks before discarding them. All disposable PPE should be deposited into a trash bin with a liner that can be sealed. This can be your kitchen trash or a community waste can. For households with a suspected or diagnosed COVID-19 case, it is recommended that affected PPE and tissues be placed into a sealed plastic or paper bag before being disposed of with general waste. Do not recycle any PPE.

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