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Celeste Lowe sewed 700 masks for residents and essential workers

Celeste Lowe sewed 700 masks for residents and essential workers Celeste Lowe sewed 700 masks for residents and essential workers


Celeste Lowe from Mutual 5 is one of 55 volunteers from the Golden Age Foundation’s face mask project.

When COVID-19 hit the nation in March, Lowe began making PPE for her sister’s dental office in Whittier. When she saw in the LW Weekly that Diana Harrison was looking for volunteers to help with the Golden Age Foundation’s community mask giveaway project, she decided to sign up to help and had been a steady and consistent volunteer until the project reached its end in September.

Lowe estimated that she sewed at least 700 reusable face masks overall.

The Golden Age Foundation would like to thank Lowe and all of the 55 volunteers who dedicated their precious time to help their fellow neighbors.

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