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Tom Pontac boxes Parkinson’s disease on Zoom

Tom Pontac boxes Parkinson’s disease on Zoom Tom Pontac boxes Parkinson’s disease on Zoom

LW resident Tom Pontac inspires with his perspective on living with Parkinson’s disease. It’s been over ten years since he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. His life changed forever and a new chapter began, one of acceptance, adapting and overcoming to live a good quality of life.

As a long-distance runner, Pontac was used to challenges, and this was a new one. His training now includes boxing, a non-contact form of exercise. It involves strength, balance, endurance, flexibility and cognition, all important factors in combating Parkinson’s and enhancing life. Most importantly, these classes can be taken on Zoom, eliminating the need to travel to a gym.

Being able to be proactive by engaging Parkinson’s as if this disease was an opponent in the ring is a great selfconfidence booster as well as a physical one. Remember, “You may have Parkinson’s, but Parkinson’s doesn’t have you.”

For more information about classes on Zoom, call Tom Pontac at 562-304-0880.

—Tom Pontac

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